Communitie - The Global News


In Bellevue the Sidewalks Are Paved With - Rubber?

Starting with a small stretch of sidewalk on NE 10th, just west of 102nd Ave NE, the experimental footpath will help the city evaluate the long term costs and durability of rubber sidewalks as opposed to concrete ones. If the project proves successful, city officials plan to use the rubber pavers in another 700 sidewalk locations throughout the city. Read More

Fun Retirements in Florida's 55 Plus Communities

In just a few short years and for the first time ever, a very large proportion of the North American population will all be over 55 years old. The figure is quoted as high as 85 million by 2014. The face of consumerism will be markedly changed as markets tap into the profits to be made from the 'silver' dollar. Read More

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