Health - The Global News



While yes, our team is born in a world of intense high athletic goals such as bodybuilding, it is not our goal to support people to become bodybuilders - FAR FROM IT!;-) So you can relax now!! But it IS our goal to share with you why the lessons from our experience of mastering human health & the body, & how developing a bodybuilder "mentality" for your own life can literally skyrocket you into a level of personal health you never thought possible, while showing you the shortcuts in how to get there! Sound good? Heck, it sounds GREAT to us, because we already know how it can CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Read More


It is not possible to describe a highly complex and dynamic process such as occupational health nursing simply in terms of core activities or tasks. Occupational health nurses are constantly learning new skills, adapting current practices to meet new needs and developing new approaches to solving problems and therefore their practice is not static but is constantly improving based upon a core range of skills. Read More


Australians already know that health coverage can provide security for individuals and families when a medical need arises. Many, however, do not know how to find the best value when comparing health insurance policies. Here are 10 tips everyone should read before shopping for private health coverage. Read More


Health, good or bad, is too often something that happens TO people. This article offers an alternative way to view health, as either static or earned. In the former case, medical interventions play a key role for better or worse; in the latter, it's all your doing. The two are not opposed or an either/or choice but the problem with American health status is that most people view health from a static perspective only. Read More


In the last few months there have been many Health Care Reform rules and regulations updated by the Health and Human Services Department. But despite all the media coverage of these events, many people still hold fast to certain myths surrounding Obama Care. We'll uncover and dislodge these clinging myths by pushing them off the ledge of reality, where they don't belong. Read More


What is Health? How do you define health? Is it a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being? Read More

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